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November 4, 2019

FASTGenomics hosts SCOG Workshop

Advances in Single Cell Epigenomics

04-06 November 2019

In October, the Single-Cell Omics Germany network asked FASTGenomics to provide cloud-services for an event on single-cell epigenomics. The workshop Advances in Single-Cell Epigenomics took place on November 04-06, 2019, in Saarlouis, Germany, and featured lectures by renowned researchers such as Eileen Furlong (EMBL Heidelberg), Nikolaus Rajewsky (BIMSB Berlin) and Stein Aerts (KU Leuven). The lectures were followed by a hands-on tutorial and hackathon introducing EpiScanpy, a novel tool for the analysis of single cell epigenomics data.

The 30 participants were taught how to build a count matrix for different genomic features from epigenomics data, and how to perform a proper downstream analysis including clustering, low-dimensional data visualization, trajectory inference and differential calling. The hackathon then involved several data challenges and participants could even bring their own data.

Cloud-services by FASTGenomics

Due to the use of FASTGenomics, the hands-on part of the workshop was easily managed and worked like a charm. Participants could start with the tutorial and coding right away, without wasting time with local installations and setup. Our cloud-services provided the participants with ample computation power to handle the large datasets and sophisticated analyses. We remotely supported the workshop via our Slack channel, which allowed us to quickly respond to upcoming questions. Thanks to the organizers of the workshop for this successful meeting.

If you are interested to use FASTGenomics for your workshop, feel free to approach us.